Lola García-Ajofrín
Lola García-Ajofrín is a Spanish journalist based in Asia. Lola holds a Bachelor´s degree in Journalism from Complutense University of Madrid (2006) and a Master’s Degree in Television Journalism from Rey Juan Carlos University (2007). She is the author of ‘Gigantes de la educación’ (FundaciónTelefónica, 2017) which systematically documents strategies utilised by teachers within eleven countries seeking to prepare their students for the demands of the twenty-first century. In 2015, Lola received the “Manuel Alcántara” award, which is an international prize for reporters. She has published with many of the major news outlets which include El Pais, El Mundo, El Confidencial, La Información and CNN in Spanish. Lola has also reported from many of the capitals throughout Asia, Africa, Europe, and the Americas.